At Ambrosoli School, we are privileged to work in a beautiful part of the world and partner with incredible organisations doing amazing work in the community. Partnerships with local charities and organisations are an essential part of learning for our community. The school forms links with these organisations so that we can give back through activities such as fundraising, sponsorship, building friendships and sharing ideas and resources. We also form links with other educational institutions where we can add value to the development of education in Uganda. Additionally, we are keen to learn from other professionals across the city and beyond and have mutually beneficial links with some amazing organisations that help us to develop in areas of sustainable education and ecology.
We encourage all students, staff, and family members to volunteer in various ways to ensure that our annual partnerships with community organisations are a success. The most beautiful part about our partnerships in education is seeing the compassion that our students display through their efforts and actions to help others, developing respect and growing in empathy. Here are some of the links we have had over the past years.


Ambrosoli has partnered with Mustardseed School as our community link for our current 2021-2022 school year. At the heart of the link between Mustardseed Junior School, Ambrosoli International School and Magdalen College School in England, are shared educational goals. Alongside fostering academic excellence, all three schools aim to provide their students with a broad range of extra-curricular activities in a supportive environment. They strive to nurture pupils’ confidence and curiosity, and to equip them to make positive and lasting contributions to their communities.

This three-way partnership with Mustard Seed, Magdalen and Ambrosoli is aimed at encouraging a focus for fundraising, professional development, sharing of curriculum and training and to develop a strong link between schools for moderation, assessment and succession.


Skate-aid is active in Kampala in the township Kitintale where about 20,000 people live. Some of the biggest problems in Kitintale are educational poverty, unemployment, HIV, AIDS and drug abuse.

Our project partner on site is the Uganda Skateboard Union (USU) who built their own small skate park in 2006. The skate park has now become the meeting place for the township youth and for many of them, the Uganda Skateboard Union has become their surrogate family. This proves the project is not just about skateboarding, but also about providing a stable social environment that very few of these children and teenagers experience at home.

Ambrosoli School has worked with Skate Aid to help build a community library to encourage reading in the local community.


Ambrosoli partnered with Brass for Africa for our community link for the 2019-2020 school year. Brass for Africa delivers music education and life-skills training to disadvantaged children in Uganda. Participation in Brass for Africa programs helps to equip children with transferable skills including perseverance, communication and self-confidence, much like our Personal Learning Goals here at Ambrosoli.

Partnership with Brass for Africa helped to promote greater awareness, understanding, compassion and respect for others within our Kampala community and provided opportunities for children from different backgrounds to bond and form friendships, helping them to become internationally minded global citizens through music.


We partnered with CoRSU for our community link for the 2018-2019 school year. CoRSU is a specialized hospital registered as an NGO to offer medical services to persons with a disability. It is a Ugandan initiative, with the main aim of expanding and improving the comprehensive rehabilitation services for children with disability coming from poor communities.

Ambrosoli students, staff, and family had opportunities to be both hands on with the patients through a wide range of activities (art, sports, tutoring, mentoring, guided reading, food prep, etc.), as well as providing sponsorship for treatment and surgical services for children in need.


For the 2017-2018 school year, Ambrosoli chose to partner with the USPCA which aims to educate people about animals and to find homes for strays. The year’s focus with the USPCA was through child-centered activities and interaction, which included visits to their premises to help with washing dogs and taking them for a walk. Our goal was for our students at Ambrosoli to engage in a wide variety of social and creative activities.

Ambrosoli’s Community Service Team exercised their leadership skills, as they created activities to raise money for the USPCA.


Ambrosoli partnered with Hands For Hope for the 2016-17 school year, an organisation which aims to alleviate extreme poverty and facilitate lasting change in the lives of some of the most vulnerable children and families living in the Namuwongo Slums, in Kampala.

Ambrosoli students and staff participated in a range of community building activities and projects in conjunction with Hands for Hope children and organisers. Hands For Hope children joined us on campus for a number of special events over the course of the year.